Global Non-GMO Soybean Market Research Report – Segmented by Product Type (Organic Non-GMO Soybeans, and Conventional Non-GMO Soybeans); Product (Crushed Soybeans, Whole Soybeans), by Application (Soybean Oil, Soybean Meal, Food for Human Consumption); and Region - Size, Share, Growth Analysis | Forecast (2024 – 2030)

Non-GMO Soybean Market Size (2024 – 2030)

The Global Non-GMO Soybean Market witnessed a valuation of USD 29.62 billion in 2023 and is anticipated to achieve a market size of USD 50.92 billion by the conclusion of 2030, demonstrating an expected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 8.05% throughout the forecast period spanning from 2024 to 2030.

The segment of Non-Genetically Modified Organisms (non-GMO) soybeans has experienced a notable transformation, transitioning from a niche entity in the agricultural sphere, primarily catering to health-conscious consumers, to becoming a mainstream commodity. This shift has been primarily fueled by an upsurge in consumer demand for natural and organic products. Currently, it stands as an integral component of the agricultural landscape, with producers adapting their methods to meet the escalating demand, expanding cultivation, and embracing sustainable farming techniques. Looking ahead, the outlook appears promising as the global inclination towards health-conscious choices and sustainability persists. The non-GMO soybean market presents a landscape poised for sustained growth, offering significant opportunities for industry participants and stakeholders aligned with evolving consumer preferences and environmental considerations.

Key Market Insights:

The thriving global non-GMO soybean market owes its success to the heightened consumer consciousness regarding health and sustainability. According to ISL projections, Brazil, rebounding from a decline in 2020/21, is anticipated to yield over 3.5 million tons of non-GMO soybeans, constituting 2.5% of its overall soybean crop.

India, boasting an annual non-GMO soybean production of 12.4 million tons, plays a pivotal role. The United States produces 116.2 million tons, with Brazil following closely at 132 million tons. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has repercussions on EU industries, disrupting Ukrainian exports and leading to spikes in energy prices.

The non-GMO soybean market in North America is propelled by conscientious consumers, while Europe, characterized by stringent GMO regulations, holds significance. The Eastern Europe conflict impacted the supply of protein meal in the EU due to disrupted Ukrainian exports and adverse weather conditions, resulting in a 10% reduction in EU soybean production.

In the U.S., non-GMO soybean production witnessed a 13% growth from 4.6 million acres in 2019 to 5.2 million acres in 2021. A survey conducted by the United States Exports Council revealed that 31% of farmers intend to amplify their production of non-GMO food-grade soybeans, indicative of a rising trend in non-GMO agriculture.

The thriving global non-GMO soybean market, buoyed by health and sustainability concerns, reflects positively on Brazil's recovery, India's contribution, and the growing inclination towards non-GMO agriculture in the U.S. However, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine poses challenges to European industries and the market's stability, necessitating adaptability and resilience.

Non-GMO Soybean Market Drivers:

The surge in demand for non-GMO soybeans is propelled by heightened consumer awareness of the potential health hazards associated with GMOs.

In recent times, there has been a marked increase in consumer awareness concerning the potential health risks linked with genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This heightened awareness has translated into a burgeoning demand for non-GMO soybeans in the global marketplace. Consumers are becoming progressively concerned about the long-term ramifications of GMO consumption on their health and overall well-being. Consequently, they are actively seeking out food products that provide a clear assurance of being non-GMO, leading to a preference for non-GMO soybeans in various food items and food processing.

The imposition of stringent regulations and labelling requirements for GMO products in numerous regions is fostering the adoption of non-GMO soybeans.

Several regions across the globe have implemented stringent regulations and labeling requirements for GMO products. These regulations have created an environment where non-GMO soybeans are not only preferred but often mandated. Consumers benefit from transparent labeling, enabling them to make informed choices. This regulatory impetus towards non-GMO products has further incentivized farmers and producers to embrace non-GMO soybean cultivation practices to meet market demands while adhering to these regulations.

Non-GMO soybeans align with the ethos of sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture, attracting environmentally conscious consumers and businesses.

Non-GMO soybeans seamlessly align with the principles of sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture. This alignment holds particular appeal for environmentally conscious consumers and businesses. Sustainable farming practices, including non-GMO cultivation, mitigate the environmental impact associated with intensive farming techniques, such as excessive pesticide and herbicide usage. Consequently, non-GMO soybeans are becoming the preferred choice for those prioritizing eco-friendly and sustainable food options, thereby bolstering their demand in the market.

Non-GMO Soybean Market Restraints and Challenges:

The cultivation of non-GMO soybeans often entails higher production costs, potentially impacting pricing and market competitiveness.

A significant challenge encountered by the non-GMO soybean market is the presence of elevated production costs. In comparison to their genetically modified counterparts, cultivating non-GMO soybeans typically involves greater expenditure. This is primarily due to the necessity for more extensive pest management practices and the possibility of lower yields. These heightened production costs can directly influence pricing, rendering non-GMO soybean products relatively more expensive for consumers. This cost factor sometimes acts as a restraint on the market's expansion, particularly within price-sensitive consumer segments.

The meticulous management of non-GMO soybeans throughout the supply chain necessitates rigorous segregation to prevent contamination with GMO varieties, adding complexity and costs.

Ensuring the purity of non-GMO soybeans throughout the supply chain is an intricate process that demands strict segregation practices. The risk of contamination with genetically modified soybean varieties poses a legitimate concern. This adds layers of complexity and cost to the supply chain management of non-GMO soybeans. From field to market, stringent measures are imperative to prevent mingling with GMO soybeans. Such measures may include separate storage, transportation, and processing facilities, all contributing to heightened operational expenses.

The market contends with competition from conventional and genetically modified soybean varieties, which may offer cost advantages in certain scenarios.

The non-GMO soybean market faces competition from both conventional and genetically modified soybean varieties. Conventional soybeans are often more economically viable to cultivate, and GMO soybeans may offer specific advantages such as pest or herbicide resistance. In some instances, these cost and performance advantages render them the preferred choice for farmers and producers. This competitive landscape poses a challenge to the growth of the non-GMO soybean market, as it must consistently demonstrate its unique value proposition in terms of health, sustainability, and consumer preferences to maintain its market share.

Non-GMO Soybean Market Opportunities:

Non-GMO soybeans present robust export potential to regions characterized by stringent GMO regulations or a consumer preference for non-GMO products.

Non-GMO soybeans offer a promising avenue for global export, particularly to regions with stringent GMO regulations or a consumer inclination towards non-GMO products. Numerous countries have implemented rigorous regulations governing the labeling and importation of genetically modified organisms. In such markets, non-GMO soybeans enjoy a competitive edge, aligning with regulatory requirements and consumer expectations regarding food safety and transparency. This export potential opens new vistas for non-GMO soybean producers, enabling them to tap into the demand of regions prioritizing non-GMO products. By strategically targeting these markets, producers can expand their clientele and augment market share, potentially propelling substantial growth within the non-GMO soybean sector.

Processors have a significant opportunity within the non-GMO soybean market to create value-added products, capitalizing on the burgeoning demand for plant-based foods.

Processors operating within the non-GMO soybean market possess a substantial opportunity to leverage the burgeoning demand for plant-based foods. Non-GMO soybeans serve as a pivotal ingredient in a diverse array of plant-based products, including meat alternatives, dairy substitutes, and various plant-based snacks. By developing value-added products from non-GMO soybeans, processors can cater to the escalating consumer interest in healthier and sustainable food options. This includes the production of items such as non-GMO tofu, soy milk, or protein-rich meat analogs. Seizing this opportunity not only meets consumer demand but also enhances profit margins by offering premium, specialized products within a rapidly expanding market segment.

Market Segmentation: By Product Type:

  • Certified Organic Non-GMO Soybeans
  • Conventional Non-GMO Soybeans

In the year 2022, the Certified Organic Non-GMO Soybeans segment led the market in terms of revenue share, driven by its consistent Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7.9%. This segment enjoys popularity among consumers due to a growing preference for organic products and an increasing awareness regarding the potential health risks associated with chemicals and artificial additives.

Brazil, particularly the region of South America, serves as a significant hub for the production of Certified Organic Non-GMO Soybeans. MatoGrosso stands out as the largest producer within Brazil, contributing to nearly 48.7% of the national production, followed by Paraná and Goiás. Notably, MatoGrosso is expected to witness a 34.6% increase in acreage for conventional soybeans, with 491.6 thousand hectares set for seeding, compared to the previous crop's 365.2 thousand hectares.

The Conventional Non-GMO Soybeans segment displays a notable CAGR of 5.2% and is poised to be a lucrative segment in the upcoming forecast period. Additionally, the affordability of conventional non-GMO soybeans compared to their organic counterparts appeals to a broad consumer base, ensuring accessibility to a wider market demographic.

Non-GMO Soybean Market Segmentation: By Product:

  • Crushed Soybeans
  • Soy Concentrates
  • Soy Flour
  • Textured Soy Protein
  • Whole Soybeans

In the year 2022, the Crushed Soybeans segment dominated the market, expected to maintain a steady CAGR of 6.8% throughout the forecast period. Within this segment, Soy Concentrates emerged as the market leader, poised for continued growth with a projected CAGR of 7.96%. Following closely, the Soy Flour segment secured the second-largest market share in the same year.

A significant portion, approximately 97.8%, of crushed soybean meal finds its use in animal feed production, with the remaining fraction utilized in the creation of soy flour and proteins. Within the oil fraction, about 94.6% is allocated to edible oil production, while the remaining portion is utilized in industrial applications such as fatty acids, soaps, and biodiesel.

Non-GMO soybeans are available in various forms, including raw, dry, roasted nuts, and canned beans, offering versatility to soyfood manufacturers. This diversity empowers manufacturers to select soybeans aligning best with their product requirements in terms of color, flavor, texture, size, and nutritional profile. Although dried yellow non-GMO soybeans maintain popularity, there is a rising demand for other varieties such as immature green non-GMO soybean edamame and various forms of roasted soynuts. Additionally, small round black non-GMO soybeans, primarily cultivated for dry bean usage, are known as black non-GMO soybeans.

Non-GMO Soybean Market Segmentation: By Application:

  • Soybean Oil
  • Soybean Meal
  • Food for Human Consumption
  • Others

In the year 2022, the Soybean Oil segment emerged as the market leader and is anticipated to exhibit robust growth with a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 8.57% during the forecast period. Following closely, the Soybean Meal segment secured the second-largest market share during the same period.

Soybean oil, a significant category within this segmentation, holds a prominent position as a non-GMO vegetable oil, trailing only palm oil in global consumption of vegetable and animal oils and fats. The appeal of non-GMO soybean oil as a culinary oil stems from factors such as consistent supply, competitive pricing, neutral flavor profile, and stability in both unhydrogenated and partially hydrogenated forms. The increasing demand for complex feed formulations, and consequently soybean meal, further boosts soybean oil production. Despite palm oil's reputation for higher oil yield, the demand for non-GMO soybean oil remains strong due to the substantial demand for soya meal and the lucrative nature of oil as a by-product.

The nutrient-rich composition of non-GMO soybean meal plays a crucial role in optimizing animal diets and assessing nutrient intake. This quality establishes non-GMO soybean meal as a staple in the majority of animal and poultry feed products. The primary demand for non-GMO soybean meal is observed in the animal feed industry, where it is processed into protein-rich feed for livestock and poultry. A smaller portion of non-GMO soybeans is processed for human consumption, resulting in products such as soy milk, soy flour, soy protein, tofu, and various retail food items. Additionally, non-food or industrial products also utilize non-GMO soybeans in their composition. In culinary applications, non-GMO soybean oil is preferred for cooking and frying due to its desirable qualities.

Non-GMO Soybean Market Segmentation – By Region:

  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia-Pacific
  • South America
  • Middle East and Africa

In the year 2022, the Asia-Pacific region held a dominant position in the global non-GMO soybean market, contributing a significant share of the revenue, estimated at approximately 42.6%. This regional dominance is fueled by the growing consumer awareness of health and sustainability, leading to an increased demand for non-GMO products. Specifically, India has witnessed a rising trend in non-GMO food preferences, with consumers seeking genetically modification-free food products, further driving the growth of the non-GMO soybean market in Asia-Pacific.

Europe also plays a vital role in the non-GMO soybean market, boasting a substantial market share. The region's growth is driven by stringent regulations on GMO labeling, consumer preferences for organic and natural foods, and the integration of non-GMO soybeans in various food products. Countries such as France, the U.K., and Spain are witnessing the development of medical facilities and organizations aligning with the rising trend of non-GMO food choices.

However, the North American region presents the most promising growth prospects. The region's growth can be attributed to the lower production costs of non-GMO soybeans and their alignment with the preferences of cost-conscious consumers. The U.S.A., recognized as a top destination for non-GMO soybeans, is experiencing significant market growth. Moreover, in North America, certified non-GMO crops are cultivated on more than 53 thousand hectares. The production of non-GMO soybeans has increased since the introduction of organic labeling, driven by the rising human consumption of soy products and the increased demand for organic non-GMO soybean meal to produce organic animal products.

COVID-19 Impact Analysis on the Global Non-GMO Soybean Market: The COVID-19 pandemic had varied impacts on the non-GMO soybean market. While some regions experienced supply chain disruptions, the overall demand for non-GMO soybeans remained resilient, driven by consumer health concerns and the preference for natural products.

Latest Trends/Developments: The global non-GMO soybean market showcases several noteworthy trends and developments. Market players often engage in strategic collaborations to enhance their presence, focusing on improvements in the supply chain, research endeavors, and joint marketing initiatives. Significant investments in research and development aim to improve non-GMO soybean quality and yield, meeting the growing demand sustainably.

Companies are diversifying their product portfolios by introducing value-added options such as soy-based snacks, beverages, and meat alternatives. Infrastructure enhancements, governmental support, and a strong focus on sustainability further propel market growth. Notably, consumer education plays a crucial role in increasing awareness of the benefits of non-GMO soybeans, while export opportunities expand as these beans are recognized as premium commodities in regions with strict GMO regulations or consumer preferences for non-GMO products. Emphasizing product traceability ensures transparency and reassures consumers about the authenticity and quality of the products.

Key Players:

  1. Amaggi
  2. Yuwang Group
  3. Ouris Proteins
  4. Primavera
  5. Sojaprotein
  6. Sinograin
  7. Clarkson Grain Company
  8. Grain Millers
  9. Espartina S.S
  10. Laura Soybeans

In December 2022, to meet the rising demand for plant-based proteins, ADM announced a partnership with Benson Hill for a 2024 production offering in central and southern Illinois. This strategic collaboration aims to process and commercialize proprietary ingredients derived from Benson Hill e42P713 Ultra-High Protein, non-GMO Soybeans. Participating producers have the opportunity to earn premiums for the 2024 growing season.

Chapter 1. Non-GMO Soybean Market  – Scope & Methodology
   1.1. Market Segmentation
   1.2. Scope, Assumptions & Limitations
   1.3. Research Methodology
   1.4. Primary Sources
   1.5. Secondary Sources
Chapter 2. Non-GMO Soybean Market – Executive Summary
   2.1. Market Size & Forecast – (2023 – 2030) ($M/$Bn)
   2.2. Key Trends & Insights
              2.2.1. Demand Side
              2.2.2. Supply Side
   2.4. Attractive Investment Propositions
   2.5. COVID-19 Impact Analysis
Chapter 3. Non-GMO Soybean Market – Competition Scenario
   3.1. Market Share Analysis & Company Benchmarking
   3.2. Competitive Strategy & Development Scenario
   3.3. Competitive Pricing Analysis
   3.4. Supplier-Distributor Analysis
Chapter 4. Non-GMO Soybean Market - Entry Scenario
    4.1. Regulatory Scenario
    4.2. Case Studies – Key Start-ups
    4.3. Customer Analysis
    4.5. PESTLE Analysis
    4.4. Porters Five Force Model
               4.4.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
               4.4.2. Bargaining Powers of Customers
               4.4.3. Threat of New Entrants
               4.4.4. Rivalry among Existing Players
                4.4.5. Threat of Substitutes
Chapter 5. Non-GMO Soybean Market - Landscape
   5.1. Value Chain Analysis – Key Stakeholders Impact Analysis
   5.2. Market Drivers
   5.3. Market Restraints/Challenges
   5.4. Market Opportunities
 Chapter 6. Non-GMO Soybean Market – Product Type
 6.1.  Introduction/Key Findings   
6.2    Organic Non-GMO Soybeans
6.3    Conventional Non-GMO Soybeans
6.4    Y-O-Y Growth trend Analysis Product Type 
6.5    Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis Product Type, 2023-2030
Chapter 7. Non-GMO Soybean Market – By Product
7.1. Introduction/Key Findings  
7.2    Crushed Soybeans
7.3    Soy Concentrates
7.4    Soy Flour
7.5    Textured Soy Protein
7.6    Whole Soybeans
7.7    Y-O-Y Growth trend Analysis  By Product 
7.8    Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis  By Product, 2023-2030

Chapter 8. Non-GMO Soybean Market - By Application
8.1    Soybean Oil
8.2    Soybean Meal
8.3    Food for Human Consumption
8.4    Other
8.5    Y-O-Y Growth trend Analysis  By Application
8.6    Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis  By Application, 2023-2030

Chapter 9. Non-GMO Soybean Market, By Geography – Market Size, Forecast, Trends & Insights
   9.1. North America
                                9.1.1. By Country
                                9.1.2 Product Type
                                    9.1.3 By Application
By Product

 9.1.4. Countries & Segments - Market Attractiveness Analysis
   9.2. Europe
                                9.2.1. By Country
                                                9.2.1. U.K.                         
                                                9.2.2. Germany
                                                9.2.3. France
                                                9.2.4. Italy
                                                9.2.5. Spain
                                                9.2.6. Rest of Europe
                                    9.2.2 Product Type
                            9.2.3. By Application
                              9.2.4 By Product

                                9.2.5. Countries & Segments - Market Attractiveness Analysis
9.3. Asia Pacific
                                9.3.1. By Country
                                                9.3.1. China
                                                 9.3.2. Japan
                                                9.3.3. South Korea
                                                9.3.4. India      
                                                9.3.5. Australia & New Zealand
                                                9.3.6. Rest of Asia-Pacific
                                9.3.2 Product Type
                                9.3.3. By Application
                                   9.3.4By Product

                                    9.3.5. Countries & Segments - Market Attractiveness Analysis
9.4. South America
                                9.4.1. By Country
                                                9.4.1. Brazil
                                                9.4.2. Argentina
                                                9.4.3. Colombia
                                                9.4.4. Chile
                                                9.4.5. Rest of South America
                            9.4.2. Product Type
                                 9.4.3. By Application
                                    9.4.4 By Product

9.4.5. Countries & Segments - Market Attractiveness Analysis
 9.5. Middle East & Africa
                                9.5.1. By Country
                                                9.5.1. United Arab Emirates (UAE)
                                                9.5.2. Saudi Arabia
                                                9.5.3. Qatar
                                                9.5.4. Israel
                                                9.5.5. South Africa
                                                9.5.6. Nigeria
                                                9.5.7. Kenya
                                                9.5.8. Egypt
                                                9.5.9. Rest of MEA
                                9.5.2. Product Type
                                  9.5.3. By Application
                                 9.5.4 By Product

9.5.5. Countries & Segments - Market Attractiveness Analysis

Chapter 10. Non-GMO Soybean Market – Company Profiles – (Overview, Product Portfolio, Financials, Strategies & Developments)
10.1    Amaggi
10.2    Yuwang Group
10.3    Ouris Proteins
10.4    Primavera
10.5    Sojaprotein
10.6    Sinograin
10.7    Clarkson Grain Company
10.8    Grain Millers
10.9    Espartina S.S
10.10    Laura Soybeans

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The Global Non-GMO Soybean Market was valued at USD 27.41 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach a market size of USD 50.92 billion by the end of 2030, with a projected CAGR of 8.05% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2030.

The growth of the non-GMO soybean Market is driven by factors such as increasing consumer awareness of health and sustainability, stringent regulations on GMO products, and the alignment of non-GMO soybeans with sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture.

The Asia-Pacific region holds a dominant position in the global non-GMO soybean market, driven by increasing consumer awareness of health and sustainability.

The Non-GMO Soybean Market is segmented by product type into Organic Non-GMO Soybeans and Conventional Non-GMO Soybeans. It is also segmented by crushed soybean format into Soy Concentrates, Soy Flour, and Textured Soy Protein.

Some of the key players in the Non-GMO Soybean Market include Yuwang Group, Ouris Proteins, Primavera, Sojaprotein, Sinograin, Clarkson Grain Company, Grain Millers, Espartina S.S, and Laura Soybeans among others