Frequently Asked Questions

We use data from both demand and supply side along with paid databases. Our reports include a detailed explanation of the sources and methodologies used for data collection.

Absolutely, we offer tailored reports based on your needs. The charges will be determined by the extent of customization required.

Certainly, our reports include data for specific countries and regions, as well as in customized formats. We cover key global regions and countries in our reports, but we're happy to cater to any specific regional data requests.

Indeed, we provide market share information as per the defined scope. This is usually part of our custom report offerings.

Yes, we offer 10 working hours of analyst support to address your queries. Our sales team can arrange a meeting with our analysts as needed.

We use a variety of tools like video conferencing, phone calls, face-to-face interviews, and questionnaires to interact with key respondents.

Certainly, we provide specific chapters of our reports. Please reach out to our sales team for more information.

The timeframe will be shared by our sales team once the customization requirements are finalized. For more details, kindly contact our sales representatives.

Reports are updated every 6 months as needed. For information on specific report updates, please connect with our sales team.

While Intellect Markets hosts a wide range of reports across various industries, not all are listed on our website. If you're seeking a specific report, our sales team is here to assist you.

We offer focused studies catering to your specific objectives. Analyst consultation calls can be arranged for product reviews. Also, you can share your customization needs, and we'll endeavor to serve you best.

Yes, we offer discounts on multiple report purchases. Please contact our sales team for more details.

Absolutely, Intellect Markets allows for license upgrades after the initial purchase.